Well, since my last blog, we have celebrated the 2 year anniversary of being a happily married couple. Both enjoying married life and all that being in love brings, as well as that comfortable feeling that we can break wind in each others company without feeling embarrassed or blaming the dog etc.
During the actual day of our anniversary, a day of romance and reminiscing, we had to visit a supplier and afterwards we decided to have a sneaky afternoon off work and headed to Windsor for a wander around the Queens pad and a walk around Eton. We took a ride along the Thames in one of the funniest, for the wrong reasons, 'scenic' boat tours and with both of us feeling like naughty school kids bunking off school, we had a lovely day away from London.
Windsors Royal Holiday Inn |
Packed Tour Boat |
Swans on the Thames |
With my renewed sense of enthusiasm for getting fit and losing a few pounds, i was quite keen to continue fixing the bike and start hitting the trails again. However, I have learned that whilst the mind is willing, the body has other ideas. Waking up one morning feeling quite 'eager' to get on with the day ahead, I opened my eyes to see the room spinning slowly and a sudden wave of nausea causing me to spend the next hour shouting down the toilet. I couldn't stand up properly or walk straight. A concerned wifey called the doctors and after an escorted walk (shuffle) to the doctors surgery and a 3 hr wait! I was checked over and told to return the next day. I had completely lost my balance and felt drunk, severely drunk but with out the fun part of drinking alcohol. So after another appointment the next day, i was finally diagnosed with labyrinthitis, an inner ear infection that cause violent episodes of imbalance and dizzyness. Pooh! So i have spent the past week walking around like the neighbourhood drunk and having to have my poor, long suffering wife escort me around. "Thank you honey! xx"
I have managed to sort the bike, a bit slower due to the dizzy spells, but none the less it is now ready for action. Holly decided to take it out for a spin and after a few miles and a safe return with no dramas, the bike passed with flying colours and is now ready for me to recover and take it out for a blast.
New rubber. A nice set of Maxxis folding tyres. |
New tyre on the right. |
Off with the old |
On with the new |
Cleaned |
Also It's that time of the year where I sit in the comfort of my sofa and watch in awe at the runners in this years London Marathon. During the 2hrs + that the worlds elite will have taken to complete the course I have managed to eat 2 slices of toast, 2 poached eggs, 2 chocolate marshmallow eggs and write this blog. Proof that even watching someone else push themselves to the limits can make me feel hungry. A massive congratulations to all the participants of this years London Marathon, it's a life changing event for both the runners and the recipients of the money raised. Amazing!
So the quest for me to gain some kind of fitness and to lose this spare tyre that I'm carrying around my waist has taken on a new sense of urgency. If 30,000 people from all walks of life and various levels of fitness can put themselves through a punishing 26.6 miles, then I can surely get off by backside and do a bit of exercise.
And with my dizzyness finally sorting itself out I have just one more hurdle to conquer...... the free cakes that we get at the shop. Oh my!!!!!!
Have a great week and enjoy the sun xxxx